Oct 1, 2024
Body & Soul

Spread your self-care umbrella

Spread your self-care umbrella

By Magi Thomley Williams  /  Photos by Kate Treick Photography

Picture an umbrella: It only works when it is open and takes up space and when each spoke is sturdy, in line and reliable. Then it functions to keep everyone underneath its protection comfy, dry and in our Florida sun — not crisping. If you are the umbrella responsible for taking care of the people in your life, and your spokes (what hold you up, replenish, reinforce you) aren’t taken care of, everyone underneath the umbrella — including yourself — will be drenched. Or crispy.

This illustration is from Sarah Newman, AP, MAOM, an acupuncture physician serving patients at her practice Vitality Acupuncture LLC in Gulf Breeze.

“I have been honored to treat and share with women and girls of all ages across the decades, through their fight against cancer and for preventive whole health care,” Newman said.

Self-care is not self-ish; it is gentle, safe attention or tending to, so you can thrive and really be there for the people that you love. This is especially important for women who are battling cancer and those fighting alongside them.

Prioritizing your health makes it easier to take care of everything and everyone you care about. That includes your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health that allow you to walk through life with integrity and balance. Think homeostasis, the most efficient functioning for your being; each impacts the rest. Things like quality sleep or laughter affect your entire being.

Healing — allowing yourself to be strong and capable and beautiful — opens the door to be nourished enough to give someone else a hand or be an example for them to see their own beauty in their strength and abilities, ultimately making the world a better, stronger, more beautiful place.

Newman offered tips on nourishing self-care:

Eat what works with you. Research reports that sugar feeds cancer, while other foods can work to prevent cancer and nourish the brain, breasts and entire body. Choose something healthier. Would you ever hire an employee that works against you? Use the same diligence for your food choices.

Adopt and practice self-acceptance, self-respect and loving kindness. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and noted three things you like rather than things you want to fix? Would you ever say to a friend, “Is that a rogue eyebrow or a wrinkle? Let me get my bifocals!”

“Why not upgrade to, ‘Damn, I’m having a good-looking day!’? Encouraging, validating self-talk impacts the cellular and physical level. Be your own breast friend,” Newman encouraged.

Own your choice to work on growing your strength, capability and beauty. Own your choice to heal from cancer or other challenges by practicing self-care and acceptance. Choose nourishing and kind activities, treatments and environments that support your growth and healing. Newman said she coaches her daughter by saying, “You are a kind person, and you deserve kind friends.” That includes being a kind friend to yourself and making respectful, healthy choices for yourself. Good advice for anyone.

Newman was emphatic when she said, “Give yourself permission to make your umbrella both strong and beautiful. Take up space because you matter and so you will be able to protect the people you care about through the rainstorms (sometimes doozies) in life.”

Sarah Newman, AP, MAOM, acupuncture physician, offers self-care options to women battling cancer or any or other battles in life.