Mar 1, 2025
Girls Night Out

Get that Crafty Glo: Gloriana Jensen invites you to get creative

Get that Crafty Glo

Gloriana Jensen invites you to get creative

Story and photos by Kate Treick

TOP: Sidney Thomas, Glo Jensen, Lynne Bates, Becky Dietz and Lily Treick celebrate their completed projects.  
ABOVE LEFT: Glo helps one of the participants attach a zipper to her project. ABOVE RIGHT: Lily Treick and Sidney Thomas get crafty
with a fun project laid out by the craft queen herself, Glo Jensen.

It was a beautiful evening to walk down to the dock, and the excitement was palpable. Our group of friends ranged in age from 17 to 70, and each one had her own reason for coming. But we all had one thing in common: We wanted to get creative, and we wanted a little getaway for the evening with friends.

That is exactly what The Pensacola Retreat Center offers. Founded this year by Gloriana Jensen, known to all as Glo, the space offers everything you could want: plenty of room to spread out your craft supplies, three bedrooms sleeping up to nine people — each with its own bath — a pool and grilling facilities close at hand — oh, and I did I mention Jensen herself, who is available to lead your group through any of a number of different crafting adventures?

Jensen had set out a variety of textile art projects for us to try. Some of us made beautiful little wallets out of cork, while others worked on their own quilting projects brought from home. Jensen has everything you need on-site, offering frequent open-sew weekends, where for a flat fee, you can make the most of her space and all her equipment. And her expertise!

We were all impressed by Jensen, by her hospitality and her ability to teach even the least experienced among us. But even more impressive is the journey that has brought her to this moment in time in which she hosts groups of friends like mine.

For Jensen, these arts have been a way to de-stress.

“I’ve been in the Navy for 24 years; I’m retiring side-by-side with my husband on Valentine’s Day,” she said. “During our early days with kids, he spent a tour on submarines while I stayed on shore duty shuttling the kids around. I would take a class at the arts and crafts center on base as a way to relieve stress. Cookie decorating, cake making, pottery, I loved all of it. I came upon a sewing machine at a yard sale and chose sewing as my next adventure. After asking a neighbor for a few lessons, I was in love.”

These classes led to a deep passion for all things textile. But even more, Jensen sees a common thread connecting these newfound explorations.

“I take two items that may or may not go together and through the process of sewing, weaving, mending, I am able to create something new,” she said.

This is an especially powerful process when it results in a tangible object such as a blanket that brings comfort to those who are suffering.

It was this empathy for people in crisis that led to the non-profit side of The Pensacola Retreat Center, Vicky’s Heart. Named for Jensen’s sister-in-law, Vicky, who passed away suddenly last year, Vicky’s Heart is headquartered at the retreat center.

“Through fabric and yarn, patrons of the retreat center provide handmade items of comfort to members of our community who need an act of kindness,” Jensen said.

The logo for the non-profit features a woman holding a heart of gold up to the heavens.

“That is what Vicky did. She gave her heart to the world, and now we will try to keep that going through these donations.”

Pensacola may not be where Jensen was born, but it is clearly where her heart is.

“My intention for 2025 is to teach the skills and make and donate the things that will leave a positive mark in our community,” she said.

With a dock just across the street and a pool onsite, the retreat center provides multiple spaces to relax.

The Pensacola Retreat Center Where: 8 Manor Drive, Pensacola

Info: 850-503-9105;; Instagram/TheCraftyGlo; Facebook/Crafty Glo and the Pensacola Retreat Center; YouTube/Crafty Glo