Celebrating the hero alongside the hero: Jennifer Shashaty
Story and photo by Leslie Peck
If you ask Jennifer Shashaty where home is, she will tell you she was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but has since made many places “home” along the way. She is the wife of Pensacola’s US Navy Captain, Terrence (Terry) Shashaty.
Prior to meeting her future husband, Jenn Shashaty graduated from St. Francis College in downtown Brooklyn, where she studied ultrasound and genetics. She worked as an ultrasound tech for nine years at Sonoscan Genetic Sciences, which is part of North Shore University Hospital.
“After marrying Terry, I quit work and organized the OSC, Officer Spouse Clubs, and FRG, Family Readiness Groups, in Washington, California and Rhode Island. When time allowed in other non-deployment states, I was a substitute teacher,” Shashaty said. “Giving up a career is hard, but I would do it all again, the same exact way, but would try to slow down and live in each moment longer.”
Along the wild ride of moving and staying busy with commitments and deployments, the Shashatys had four children. Chris, 18, is a freshman at Ole Miss, Nick is a junior at Catholic High School and the twins, Matt and Ellie, 12, are in sixth grade at Episcopal Day School.
Shashaty has been a military spouse for 20 years.
“24 years in total. It took me a few years to marry him. I was reluctant of the lifestyle, but so grateful for the day I said yes!” she said.
Throughout their Navy career, they have lived in Washington three different times, California, Rhode Island, Colorado, Virginia and a final stop in our beautiful Pensacola.
There are many responsibilities that come along with the role of a military spouse and even more so as the wife of a captain.
“We are the core ambassadors for our uniformed members,” Shashaty said. “I’ve attended a few leadership symposiums and created spouse groups throughout the years. It has given me the courage from seasoned spouses to share an understanding of traditions and customs in this military community through my own experiences. I enjoy sharing the knowledge and providing resources for transitioning through deployments, moving and readiness for the sake of the needs of the Navy. How to live on the fly and embrace the excitement of change.”
If you know Shashaty, then you know she is always attending events for the Navy, hosting other Military families in her home and supporting her husband every step of the way. She goes above and beyond to keep her four children going in all the many directions they need to be on a daily basis, and she usually has their friends in tow. Military life isn’t always easy, but she has helped guide her family through the many transitions that come along with Terry’s career.
“Our kids have learned how to be resourceful; they’ve learned how to embrace change, integrate themselves in new environments and competitive teams,” Shashaty explained. “Home to them is ‘home plate;’ familiar is a lane line in a swimming pool; love is passion shared in recreational or competitive teams. They thrive to leave places better than they found them. We’ve learned the most through our children.”
Terry Shashaty is retiring from the military after 26 years this month. As Jenn Shashaty prepares to celebrate all the festivities of this wonderful career she has had the privilege of sharing with him, she reflects on her role and what a big part it plays as a wife, mom and fellow military “village” member. When asked what her favorite memories are, her response was, “ALL of it!
“I loved meeting people from across the country, learning about different cultures, different traditions, building lasting Navy family friendships, extended aunts, uncles and grandparents too. I discovered strengths I never knew possible and turned weaknesses into opportunity. None of it is easy, but with the right village, there is no other place I’d rather be. Thank you for welcoming us home to Pensacola, Florida!” she said.